onsdag 24 februari 2016


This is a short step by step guide in how i make my trees using tree armatures from woodland scenics and some other bits and pieces

 The armature needs to be twisted to make it a bit more realistic looking. this can be a bit painfull with the larger armatures since they are rather hard to twist near the bottom.

when the armature looks decent i mount it on a base a paint it to make it look less plastic.

 Contact glue and foilage clumps will be used next, i have tried woodland scenics hob-e-tac but it always ends with lots of work trying to fix everything after it keeps falling off.

 Put some glue on both sides of the treelimb and apply small clumps of foilage.

 Try to make the clumps meet near the trunk to make it look like a mass of leaves. When finished with the foilage i apply some PVA glue to the base and dip it in my container of basing sand. Some stones or twigs from the garden will make the base a bit more interesting.

 When the PVA glue is dry i always apply a mix of some dark craftpaint, PVA glue and water (about 1 part paint 2 parts glue and 3 parts water). This will fix all the sand in place and give a good base for the paint when dry.

For this project i am painting all bases i vallejo flat earth with a drybrush of GW Zandri dust. When dry i give it a wash of GW agrax earthshade, this gives a nice neutral colour that does not contrast too much with the grass. 
I finally apply some flock and put some different tufts on the base.

I hope this can be of some use to someone. I Find it best to make larger batches since the process can be a bit messy at times.

lördag 20 februari 2016

Some more miniatures rebased and some trees.

I have finished the next batch of bases and i have also made a couple of test trees, they turned out better than i had hoped!

 24 Bowmen of the white and green sort
 Men at arms
 2 newly made trees
A small forest!, the scruffy looking conifers are from an earlier attempt but the bases are new.

torsdag 18 februari 2016

Sticks and stones

Its time to start on some terrain! I will start with some smaller projects and when my hobby room is finished i will be able to work on something larger.

I really like the building kits from 4ground (I have even started to enjoy the smell a little).

 Some houses and a bunch of forest bases will make a good start

Something new, something old and something found.

The rebasing of my miniatures continues and i hope to have the next batch ready this weekend. I have started planning on the next retinue and it might be some italians.

tisdag 16 februari 2016

Rebasing the first batch.

I have started work on the bases, every miniature was mounted on a thin mdf-base so i had to cut them of those first before i glued them on steel washers.

I am rather pleased with how much better they look with the scenic bases. With the next batch i will use some finer sand or leave some areas flat as it was difficult to glue the grass tufts on these.

Some Men at arms, crossbows and command
 24 Billmen
 16 Archers (I am currently painting 8 more)
 Some handguns
I have only textured one tray as a test, might need more grass.

lördag 13 februari 2016

Medieval madness!

It was a long time since i wrote anything here and for now i will just use this spece to store some images.